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Safety Data Sheets

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is an excellent source of chemical information. The SDS is a technical bulletin containing information about a hazardous chemical. An SDS must contain

OSHA requires vendors to supply an SDS for each hazardous material shipped. The Hazard Communication standard requires that SDSs are readily accessible to you for the chemicals you use. You will be instructed how to access the SDSs for your work area.

In addition, you should be familiar with abbreviations commonly used in an SDS. For example, the threshold limit values (TLVs) and permissible exposure limits (PELs) are used to determine the safety precautions needed when using a chemical.

These values will also help determine what safety equipment is to be used and what control measures are to be taken.

SDSs are required to provide the same information in the following order:

If the specific chemical identity is classified as a trade secret, it may be withheld from the SDS. The SDS must still contain information on the properties and effects of the hazardous chemical.

Healthcare professionals, employees, and designated representatives can obtain the chemical identity by following specific procedures identified in the regulations.

Course: Hazard Communication: An Employee's Right to Know
Topic: Safety Data Sheets